Posted by jeanue at 2008-12-04 13:27:48 | 566 views

엑스파일 코드A Blu-ray 출시정보 업데이트

아마존에 스캔 이미지가 올라왔습니다.

블루레이는 미국과 같은 코드A(코드1?)라서 한국어자막이 있군요.
이렇게 되면 국내에서 정식발매는 안 된다고 봐야하나요? 된다고 봐야하나요?

The X-Files Movie 2-Pack 정보는 아직 없습니다.
만약 내용이 같다고 해도 Digital Copy는 없는 것 같아요.


The X-Files: I Want to Believe (+ Digital Copy) [Blu-ray]
$39.99 --> $25.99



[뒷면 주요정보]
-BD-Live Interactive Feature: Dakota Whitney Files
-Includes both the Theatrical Version and Extended Cut of the film
-Audio Commentary by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
-Trust No One: Can The X-Files Remain a Secret? Documentary
-Chris Carter: Statements of the Green Production Featurette
-BONUSVIEW Picture-in-Picture Commentary by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
-Visual Effect Featurette
-Interactive Timeline
-Enhanced for D-Box Motion Control Systems
-Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, Still Galleries and More
-Digital Copy of The X-Files: I Want To Believe for portable media players.
--Works with Apple iTunes/Video iPod/iPhone or Windows PlayForSure-compatible PC or portable media player.

AUDIO- English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Spanish & French 5.1 Dolby Digital
VIDEO- AVC @ 19.5 MBPS, 2.40:1 -50GB Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc
SUBTITLES- English, Spanish, French, Closed Captioned
(잘 보시면 아시듯 Subtitled in Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese 입니다!)
D-Box Motion COde
2008 / Color / 104 Minutes

Rated PG-13, violent and disturbing content and thematic material.


The X-Files - Fight the Future [Blu-ray]
$34.99 --> $22.99



[뒷면 주요정보]
-Includes both the Theatrical Version and Extended Cut of the Film
-Audio Commentary by Rob Bowman, Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz and Daniel Sackheim
-Original 1999 Audio Commentary by Rob Bowman and Chris Carter
-BONUSVIEW: Picture-in-Picture Commentary Rob Bowman, Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz and Daniel Sackheim
-Alternate Bee Sting Scene
-Blackwood: The Making of The X-Files Fight the Future Featurette
-Visual Effects Featurette
-Scoring Featurette
-Original 1998 Making-of Featurette
-Enhanced for D-Box Motion Control Systems
-Gag Reel, Still Galleries and More
--Special features not rated or closed captioned

AUDIO- English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Spanish & French 5.1 Dolby Digital
Video AVC @ 20 MBPS
SUBTITLES- English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Closed Captioned
50GB Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc - D-Box Motion Code - Widescreen 2.35:1

1998 / Color / 122 Minutes
Rated PG-13, some intense violence and gore.


The X-Files Movie 2-Pack (I Want to Believe / Fight the Future) [Blu-ray]
$59.99 --> $39.99



[뒷면 주요정보]

Edited by /bin/metabbs/metabbs.php/user/ at 1970-01-01 09:33:28


  • jeanue 2008-12-04 13:54

    뒤지니까 합본팩도 정보가 뜨는군요! … 2800250269
    결론은, 뭘 더하거나 뺀 것 없이 그냥 두 가지를 합친 합본인가 봅니다.
    대충 15달러 싸니까 저는 합본팩으로 질러야겠어요~ ^^/
    그리고 당장 볼 수 없으므로 코드3 DVD도 함께;;;
    또 데이빗과 질리언의 음성 코멘터리는 없는 게 맞나 봅니다. 아쉽.